Notice 1 페이지

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Notice 목록
No. Date Title Writer
5 25.02.16 최고관리자
4 25.02.16 최고관리자
3 25.02.16 최고관리자
2 25.02.16 최고관리자
1 25.02.16 최고관리자




The MIRITC values the personal information of the users of ‘Contact E-mail Service’ and complies with privacy regulations provided under relevant statutes such as the Personal Information Protection Act, etc. The MIRITC notifies the privacy policy through the application screen or webpage (hereinafter referred to as “application screen, etc.”) that provides Contact E-mail Service (hereinafter referred to as “service”). When revising the privacy policy, it notifies the reason and details of the change through the application screen and etc. accordingly with the procedures prescribed by the relevant statutes.

Information to be collected and method of collection
The MIRITC collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary for the provision of service.

Personal information items to be collected
Contact E-mail Service – when signing up
Mandatory: User's name, Email address

The MIRITC collects the information of users in a way of the followings:

Provided by the users throughMIRITC application, webpage
Provided by partner companies
Purposes of collection and usage of information
The project team uses the collected information in a way of the followings:

Member management and service provision
Member management and identification for entering, performing and terminating the contract concerning service provision
Archival of records for user communication service and any possible dispute settlements
Making notice of function of project or matters on service or policy change
Detecting and deterring unauthorized or fraudulent use of abuse of the Service
Improvement of existing services and development of new services
Development of new services and provision of personalized services through data collection of service usage
COVID-19 investigation purpose of information usage and sharing
Disclosure of information to third-party
MIRITC utilizes personal information under the scope mentioned in section 2 Purposes of collection and usage of information. In principle, we don’t disclose information to third parties without a legal basis or prior consent of the users.

Period for retention and use of personal information
In principle, the MIRITC destroys the information without delay when the purpose of collecting and using personal information agree by the user is achieved. However, if it is considered necessary to preserve the information according to internal policies or provisions of the relevant statutes, the project team shall keep the user’s personal information for the following periods.

Collected information when signing up
1. preservation basis: consent of the information subject

2. period of preservation: immediately deleted once withdrawn from membership
Collected information during service usage and processing
1. preservation basis: consent of the information subject

2. period of preservation: immediately deleted once withdrawn from membership

Collected data on service access and usage
1. preservation basis: Protection of Communications Secrets Act

2. period of preservation: 3 months

Collected data on the user’s location
1. preservation basis: Act on the Protection, Use, Etc. of Location Information

2. period of preservation: 6 months

5. Procedure and method of destruction of personal information

In principle, the project team destructs the information once the purpose of information collection and use have been achieved. The procedures and methods of destruction are as follows:

Procedure of destruction
The information given by the user when joining the MIRITC is transferred to a separate database (separate filing boxes for hard copy information) after the purpose of collection and usage has been achieved. It is destructed after being saved for a certain period as stated in Article 4 according to the MIRITC’s policy and other reasons for information protection under the relevant statutes. Personal information transferred to a separate DB shall not be used for any purpose other than possession except by law or user consent.

Method of destruction
Personal information printed on paper is shredded or destroyed through incineration. Personal information stored in an electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that cannot renew the deleted information.

Rights of users & legal representatives and methods of exercise thereof
① Users and legal representatives can view or update personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 at any time, and revoke their consent for the collection, use, and provision of personal information as a method of termination of membership (withdrawal from membership). However, since the project team collects and uses only the essential information necessary for the service, it is impossible to withdraw only parts of the consent.

② If the user wants to cancel the subscription, one can contact the customer center or the Chief privacy officer in written document, telephone, or e-mail, and we will take action without delay.

③ If the user wants to view or receive information on the current status of consent for the collection, use, and provision of personal information, personal information collected through consent, use of the personal information, and the status of provision to a third party, he/she can contact the Chief privacy officer and the project team will take action immediately.

④ When a user requests the correction of errors in his/her personal information, the relevant personal information will not be used or provided to a third party until the correction is made. If any incorrect information has already been provided to a third party, the corrected information will be immediately notified to the third party without delay as to ensure that the necessary correction is made.

⑤ The project team shall treat personal information that has been terminated or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative, as specified in Article 4 (Period of Retention and Use of Personal information). We shall not view or use the information for any other purposes.

Matters concerning the installation/operation of an automatic personal information collection Device
and the rejection thereof

When a user accesses the application screen of this service, the MIRITC uses ‘cookies’ that frequently save and retrieve user’s information to provide personalized and customized services. A cookie is a very small text file that the server, used to operate the project team’s website, sends it to a user’s browser. It is saved in the hard disk of the user’s computer or other access media (including mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PCs). The MIRITC uses cookies for the following purposes, and you may refuse to use them through settings.

① Purpose of cookies usage

The MIRITC stores the cookies to save user’s login information and increase user convenience by enabling automatic login. We do not store cookies for any other purpose.

② Methods to refuse cookies usage

Users reserve the right to choose whether to install cookies. If the user chooses not to save his/her login information, cookies are not used

8. Technical/administrative measures to protect personal information

To prevent personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged and ensure safety when handling the personal information of information principals, MIRITC takes the following technical/administrative measures:

① Encryption of personal information

The MIRITC encrypts and stores all personal information items in accordance with the relevant laws and guidelines of relevant administrative agencies.

② Technical measures against hacking, etc.

The MIRITC is operating an intrusion prevention system to prevent leakage of and/or damage on personal information of its members by hacking servers, networks, etc.

③ Minimum number of handling personnel and provision of training

The MIRITC strictly limits employees handing personal information to those who manage personal information. We also provide regular education for employees on the importance of security. Moreover, we monitor compliance with personal information protection policy and of personnel in charge, and if related problems are detected, the project team provides efforts to immediately take corrective measures.

9. Contact information of chief privacy officer and administrators

The MIRITC has the chief privacy officer and the manger to protect the personal information of the users and deal with complaints related the personal information. The MIRITC will provide prompt and sufficient answers to your reports.

① Chief privacy officer & Manager

– Chief privacy officer: Sojeoung Kim

– Manage: Sojeoung Kim


10. Coverage

This Privacy Policy applies to the ‘Contact E-mail Service’ provided by the MIRITC, and separate privacy policy may apply to other services of the MIRITC.

11. Duty of notification

When there is an addition, a deletion, or a correction of the content of the current Privacy Policy, the project team will inform the service users through the ‘Notification’ on the application screen (7) days before the implementation of such changes. However, if personal information collection, use, and provision to a third party are changed against the users, we will notify them at least 30 days in advance.

– Effective date: April 17th, 2024

Copyright © MIRITC. All rights reserved.